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IBM Power9 Withdrawn Systems and Features


IBM Power9 Systems and features below are only available in refurbished or used condition, and are no longer sold in new condition by IBM as specified by below dates. The IBM Power9 withdrawn systems and features from marketing are listed below, but can still be placed under an IBM Hardware Maintenance HWMA at standard rates. The below list of IBM Power9 systems and features do not have an end of life, end of service or end of support date specified by IBM. Midland will continue to sell IBM Power9 Server models, features, and parts in used and refurbished condition. All used and refurbished IBM i and AIX Power hardware sold by Midland includes warranty and support, and extended maintenance and support agreements can also be purchased through Midland. IBM Hardware Maintenance Service Extensions are usually about 75% higher than a standard IBM Hardware Maintenance HWMA service agreement.

Midland provides IBM Power System and OS400 upgrades, as well as data migration services by IBM Certified Engineers. Replacing an older IBM Power System with a new IBM Power10 model often provides a significant lower total cost of ownership, of which Midland provides TCO replacement quotes and side by side cost analysis for budgetary purposes.

IBM Power9 Systems and Features withdrawn from marketing and no longer available as of October 20, 2023, include:
9009-41G - IBM S914 Power9 System
9009-42G - IBM S924 Power9 System
9009-22G - IBM S922 Power9 System
9223-22S - IBM H922S Power9 System
9223-42S - IBM H924S Power9 System
9040-MR9 - IBM E950 Power9 System
4927-9009 - Solution Edition for IBM i 6-core for a 9009-41G
4928-9009 - Solution Edition for IBM i 4-core for a 9009-41G
4930-9009 - Solution Edition for IBM i 1-core for a 9009-22G
5550-9009 - Sys Console On HMC for a 9009-22G
5557-9009 - System Console-Ethernet LAN adapter for a 9009-22G
5557-9009 - System Console-Ethernet LAN adapter for a 9009-41G
5557-9009 - System Console-Ethernet LAN adapter for a 9009-42G
EC5N-9009 - 3.0TB HMS OpenCAPI Adapter for a 9009-42G
EC5N-9223 - 3.0TB HMS OpenCAPI Adapter for a 9223-42S
EC5P-9040 - 3.0TB HMS OpenCAPI Adapter for a 9040-MR9
EC5R-9009 - 1.5TB HMS OpenCAPI Adapter for a 9009-42G
EC5R-9223 - 1.5TB HMS OpenCAPI Adapter for a 9223-42S
EC5S-9040 - 1.5TB HMS OpenCAPI Adapter for a 9040-MR9
EHC4-9040 - 3.15 to 3.8 GHz, 12-core Processor Module for a 9040-MR9
EHC6-9080 - 3.7 to 3.9 GHZ, 40-core Processor with 5U system node drawer for a 9080-M9S
EHC7-9040 - 3.20 to 3.8 GHz, 11-core Processor Module for a 9040-MR9
EM67-9009 - 512GB Memory bundle for a 9009-22G
EM67-9009 - 512GB Memory bundle for a 9009-42G
EMAN-9040 - 128 GB Base Memory activation for MR9 EHC4 for a 9040-MR9
EP5Y-9009 - 1-core Typical 2.8 to 3.8 Ghz max POWER9 Processor for a 9009-22G
EP6Y-9009 - One Processor Core Activation for EP5Y for a 9009-22G
EPZR-9009 - One Processor Core Activation for EP50 for a 9009-41G
EPZS-9009 - One Processor Core Activation for EP51 for a 9009-41G
ESLS-9009 - IBM EXP24SX SAS Storage Enclosure for a 9009-41G 9009-42G 9009-22G
ESLS-9040 - IBM EXP24SX SAS Storage Enclosure for a 9040-MR9
ESLS-9043 - IBM EXP24SX SAS Storage Enclosure for a 9043-MRX
ESLS-9080 - IBM EXP24SX SAS Storage Enclosure for a 9080-HEX
ESLS-9080 - IBM EXP24SX SAS Storage Enclosure for a 9080-M9S
ESLS-9105 - IBM EXP24SX SAS Storage Enclosure for a 9105-22A
ESLS-9105 - IBM EXP24SX SAS Storage Enclosure for a 9105-22B
ESLS-9105 - IBM EXP24SX SAS Storage Enclosure for a 9105-41B
ESLS-9105 - IBM EXP24SX SAS Storage Enclosure for a 9105-42A
ESLS-9223 - IBM EXP24SX SAS Storage Enclosure for a 9223-22S
ESLS-9223 - IBM EXP24SX SAS Storage Enclosure for a 9223-42S
ESLS-9786 - IBM EXP24SX SAS Storage Enclosure for a 9786-22H
ESLS-9786 - IBM EXP24SX SAS Storage Enclosure for a 9786-42H
ESU0-9040 - 128GB INITIAL MEMORY SHIPMENT for a 9040-MR9
EU2C-9009 - Express Edition 4-core IBM i for a 9009-41G
EU2D-9009 - Express Edition 6-core IBM i for a 9009-41G

IBM Power9 Systems and Features no longer available as of August 9, 2023 include:
8335-GTH - IBM AC922 Power9 System
8335-GTX - IBM AC922 Power9 System
EB2X-8335 - AC Power Supply - 2200 WATT 200-240V/277V for a 8335-GTH
ELC6-8335 - Power Cable - Drawer to IBM PDU, 250V/16A for a 8335-GTH
EB2X-8335 - AC Power Supply - 2200 WATT 200-240V/277V for a 8335-GTX
EJ31-8335 - Four Water-Cooled Planar Assembly for a 8335-GTX
EJ34-8335 - Six Water-Cooled Planar Assembly for a 8335-GTX

IBM Power8 server models require a Power8 Service Extension Contract as they have reached their Power8 End of Support service as of July 17, 2023.

Important Updates on End of Support for IBM Produc...
IBM Power8 End of Service Support

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