iSeries AS400 Services Support Hosting DR HA

iSeries AS400 Services Support Hosting DR HA
Hardware Installation, Upgrades, and Trouble Shooting | Partition Planning & Partition Implementation (LPAR) | Communications Setup and Trouble Shooting | OS400 Upgrades | Data and Database Migrations and Conversions | Security and Compliance Training and Implementation | Security Risk Assessment | Performance Analysis and Tuning | Workload and Sizing Analysis for New System Planning | Training & Consulting | Backup, Disaster Recovery & High Availability Implementation, Training and Role Swap | Hosting and MSP managed services | Database, Backup & File Transfer Encryption | Remote Access, Network Monitoring and Management | Consulting & Training
Give us a call Toll Free 888-682-5335 or use our Live Chat for assistance.
Discounted rates are provided for project, long term contracts and prepaid blocks of hours. Some services can be provided remotely.