IBM Power AIX | Servers | Processors | Memory | Disk Drives

The Best Competitive Pricing On Parts & Upgrades for IBM Power AIX (Advanced Interactive eXecutive)
- AIX Servers
- AIX Processors
- AIX Memory
- AIX Disk Drives
- Other IBM AIX Power System features
AIX is a series of IBM proprietary Unix operating systems introduced in 1986 for several of IBM's computer server platforms.
IBM AIX Performance
IBM proprietary Unix operating systems combined with IBM Power Servers delivers best in class I/O data throughput, bandwidth and data transfer speeds for data intensive database and analytics applications running workloads, capable of running many more containers per core compared to x86 server farms.
IBM AIX Power servers
AIX Power Servers from IBM provide superior price performance for Linux and AIX applications, security, availability, reliability and total cost of ownership. IBM Power AIX and Linux Server Open architecture enable companies to scale out and up to consolidate all workloads and significantly reduce license costs.
IBM's Power9 AIX Servers include:
- S922 AIX Server IBM 9009-22G | 1-2 Processors, 4-22 Cores, 4TB Memory
- S922 AIX Server IBM 9009-22A | 1-2 Processors, 4-10 Cores, 4TB Memory
- S924 AIX Server IBM 9009-42G | 1-2 Processors, 8-24 Cores, 4TB Memory
- S924 AIX Server IBM 9009-42A | 1-2 Processors, 8-24 Cores, 4TB Memory
- S914 AIX Server IBM 9009-41G | 1 Processor, 4-8 Cores, 1TB Memory
- S914 AIX Server IBM 9009-41A | 1 Processor, 4-8 Cores, 1TB Memory
IBM Power9, Power8, Power7, Power6 and Power5 AIX servers are available in new and refurbished condition, are built to customer’s specifications, include warranty and support.
Optional LPAR configuration
Onsite installation service
Data migrations services
IBM Power servers have consistently outperformed competing UNIX, Linux server hardware and other x86 systems based on performance statistics from third party sources.