#7894 8 GB DDR2 Main Storage 570
The #7894 - 8 GB DDR2 Main Storage feature provides 8 GB of Main Storage and consists of four 2 GB DDR2 DIMMs (CCIN 30F3).
The System 570+ offers pluggable DIMMs for memory. There is a minimum of two memory features per processor enclosure provided via four DDR2 Dimms.
- 2/4-way = minimum 2, maximum 4
- 4/8-way = minimum 4, maximum 8
- 8/16-way = minimum 8, maximum 16
The maximum memory capacity depends upon the number of processors ordered for the system and on the type of memory and
functionality required.
The rules for mixing and matching DIMMs are:
- Install memory DIMMs in quads.
- Quads must be the same DIMM.
- Memory balancing and spreading is required.
- Four available memory DIMM slots are required.
- Minimum operating system level: i5/OS V5R3
- Supported on Model 570+ CUoD systems.
- The #4495 is not a Customer Install Feature.