#4584 30 GB QIC Tape270/800/810/820 CEC
(#4584 / #4684 / #6384 / #6484) 30GB 1/4-Inch Cartridge Tape
(Only available as REFURBISHED as of November 21, 2003)
Mounted in a removable media device slot of a system unit or an expansion tower, these features may be used for save/restore, alternate IPL, program distribution, migration and 1/4-inch cartridge tape exchange.
Will read/write:
30GB (up to 60GB with compression in SLR60 format) with IBM SLR60-30GB Data Cartridge (19P4209)
25GB (up to 50GB with compression in MLR3 format) with IBM MLR3-25GB Data Cartridge (59H4128)
16GB (up to 32GB with compression in QIC5010 format) with IBM MLR1-16GB Data Cartridge (59H4175)
2GB (up to 4GB with compression in QIC5010 format) with IBM MLR1-2GB Data Cartridge (35L0589)
Will read:
4GB (QIC4GB format) with SLR5-4GB Data Cartridge (59H3660)
2.5GB (QIC2GB format) with IBM DC9250 Data Cartridge (16G8436)
Specifications for the primary recording format:
Cartridge Capacity (Native) = 30.0GB (1500-ft tape)
Cartridge Capacity (Compression) = 60.0GB (1500-ft tape)
Data Rate (Native) = 4.0MB/s
Data Rate (Compression) = 8.0MB/s
Prerequisites: Removable media device slot and disk unit controller in the system unit or expansion tower in which the device is mounted.
Supported on the following systems: 270, 800, 810, 820