4499-9117 IBM iSeries 16GB Memory DIMMs (4X4GB) MMA, 570
The 4499 provides 16GB Memory DIMMs for IBM iSeries 9117-MMA or 570-9406, (4X4GB) 276 pin, 400MHz DDR2 SDRAM (CCIN 314A). The 4499-9117 Memory feature provides 16GB of main storage for the iSeries model 9117-MMA and 9406-570 systems via Four 4GB DIMMs (276 pin DIMM) 400 MHz DDR2. The IBM 4499 requires 4 empty DIMM slots.
For 9406-570 or 9117-MMA, maximum allowed is 16. OS level required: AIX 5.2 TL10 or later, AIX 5.3 TL6 or later, i5/OS - V5R4 with V5R4M5 machine code, or later. Linux - For information about support on Red Hat Enterprise Linux and SUSE Linux, visit http://www-912.ibm.com/e_dir/eserverprereq.nsf/UpgradeCategories/Hardware?opendocument
Notes: Memory features 4499 (16 GB DDR2) and 4498 (32 GB DDR2) can only be used with 2.2 GHz processor feature 8338. Memory features 4498 and 4499 can be mixed on the same processor card feature 8338. No other memory features can be installed on the same processor card with memory features 4498 or 4499. The presence of memory feature 4498 or 4499 in the system will reduce the frequency of all memory in the system to 400 MHz.