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IBM AS400 iSeries iSeries IBM 9406, #5075 PCI EXPANSION TOWER (#5075) PCI Expansion Tower(Only available as REFURBISHED as of November 21, 2003) #5075 is attached.. Product #: 5075-9406

iSeries IBM 9406, #5075 PCI EXPANSION TOWER

Brand: IBM AS400 iSeries
Model Number: 5075-9406

(#5075) PCI Expansion Tower

(Only available as REFURBISHED as of November 21, 2003)

#5075 is attached to Model 820 for adding up to six disk units and up to seven PCI IOAs. The #5075 has a 32MB PCI IOP embedded on the backplane and feature #2843 Node IOP may be added. A #4748/#4778 PCI RAID Disk Unit Controller, a #2763 PCI RAID Disk Unit Controller, or a #9767 Base PCI Disk Unit Controller may be installed to control the disk units.

For the Model 820, if this is the first/only tower on the HSL loop, select two HSL cable features for this tower (one must be a #1460 or #1461). If other towers are on the HSL loop, select one or two (two if one of the existing HSL cables will be too short), HSL cables per tower. Whenever a #0578, #5074, #5075, or #5079 is attached to the Model 820, the system must have at least one #1460/#1461. (Feature #0578 Only available as REFURBISHED as of October 1, 2004)

#1460 - 3m HSL Cable

#1461 - 6m HSL Cable

#1462 - 15m HSL Cable

Select one of the following SPCN cables:

#1463 - 2m SPCN Cable

#1464 - 6m SPCN Cable

#1465 - 15m SPCN Cable

#1466 - 30m SPCN Cable (Only available as REFURBISHED)

#0369 - 100m Optical SPCN Cable

#1468 - 250m Optical SPCN Cable

#5075 controls Ultra2 SCSI disk units. A maximum of one disk unit controller is allowed in a #5075.

The configurator will select a default line cord for the country in which the order is placed. An optional line cord may be selected. #5156 may be specified to add an additional 575 Watt power supply for redundancy and an additional cooling fan.

#5075s are not allowed to migrate on upgrades from Model 820 to model 830.

Supported on the following systems: 270, 810, 820, 825, 870