#4633 DVD-RAM 520/550/570/595
(#4633) - DVD-RAM
#4633 is a DVD-RAM that uses cartridgeless media only (this is different from the 4630 which can use cartridge media, but the media can be removed from the cartridge to be used in this drive). Media support will be limited to writing DVD-RAM only and reading of CD-ROM, CD-R, DVD-ROM and DVD-RAM.
Attributes provided: Read/Write of DVD-RAM media, Read only of CD-ROM, CD-R and DVD-ROM media
Attributes required: Removable media device slot in an I/O tower
For 9406 - 520 (4633)
Minimum required: 0
Maximum allowed: 15 (Initial order maximum: 15 )
OS level required: i5/OS V5R3, or later
Initial Order/MES/Both/Supported: Both
CSU: Yes
Return parts MES: No
Supported on the following systems: 520, 550, 570, 595, 800, 810, 825, 870, 890