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iSeries 9406 Memory, #2895 128 MB SERVER MEMORY

The IBM 2895 128MB AS400 iSeries Server Memory DIMM is only available in used or refurbished condition. The IBM 2895 128MB Server Memory DIMM can be installed in a 2890, 2891 or 2899 PCI Integrated xSeries Server. The IBM 2895 Memory DIMMs are supported on the following AS400 iSeries systems: 270, 520, 550, 570, 595, 800, 810, 825, 870, 890

Attributes provided: 128MB integrated server memory
Attributes required: integrated server memory slot
Minimum required: 0
Maximum allowed: 48 (Initial order maximum: 0)
OS level required: i5/OS V4R5, or later
CSU: Yes