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IBM AS400 iSeries AS400 IBM 9406 LAN WAN, #2793 PCI Two-Line WAN IOA w/Modem (#2793) PCI 2-Line WAN w/Modem #2793 is a PCI 2-line WAN w/Modem adapter feature. #2793 is the no.. Product #: 2793-9406

AS400 IBM 9406 LAN WAN, #2793 PCI Two-Line WAN IOA w/Modem

Brand: IBM AS400 iSeries
Model Number: 2793-9406

(#2793) PCI 2-Line WAN w/Modem

#2793 is a PCI 2-line WAN w/Modem adapter feature. #2793 is the non-CIM (Complex Impedance Matching) version offered in all countries except Australia and New Zealand. Port 0 is the modem port and supports V.92 56K Async PPP, V.92 data modem, V.4 4 data compression, V.34 FAX modem and FAX functions such as ECM and 2D/1D conversion. Port 0 does not provide Sync modem capabilities (SDLC and Sync PPP). Port 1 is the RVX port and supports multiple communications protocols.


Select one of the following cables to attach to port 0 (modem port):


#1010 Modem Cable - Austria

#1011 Modem Cable - Belgium

#1012 Modem Cable - Africa

#1013 Modem Cable - Israel (Only available as REFURBISHED)

#1014 Modem Cable - Italy

#1015 Modem Cable - France

#1016 Modem Cable - Germany (Only available as REFURBISHED)

#1017 Modem Cable - UK

#1018 Modem Cable - Iceland/Sweden (Only available as REFURBISHED)

#1021 Modem Cable - Fin/Nor

#1022 Modem Cable - Netherlands

#1023 Modem Cable - Swiss

#1024 Modem Cable - Denmark

#1025 Modem Cable - US/Canada

Select one of the following cables to attach to port 1 (RVX port):


#0348 V.24/EIA232 20-Ft PCI Cable

#0353 V.35 20-Ft PCI Cable

#0356 V.36 20-Ft PCI Cable

#0359 X.21 20-Ft PCI Cable

#0367 Operations Console PCI Cable

Note: The #0367 cable ships with a 25 pin to 9 pin adapter.


Multiple #0367 cables can be ordered (but only one per #2793) to serve as consoles for secondary partitions when Logical Partitioning (#0140) is specified.


ECS is supported from the RVX port and the following cable is required:


#0348 V.24/EIA232 20-Ft PCI Cable

#2793 does not support the remote ring indicate function.

Supported on the following systems: 270, 520, 550, 570, 595, 800, 810, 820, 825, 830, 840, 870, 890, SB2, SB3