(#2772, #2773) PCI Dual WAN/Modem Adapter
(Only available as REFURBISHED as of June 1, 2006)
This two-line WAN adapter, with two ports (RJ11), supports V.90 56K Async PPP and fax applications at data rates up to 14.4K via internal modems. Connection to the V.90 ports is via telephone cable. Remote ring-indicator is not supported.
#2772 is non-CIM (Complex Impedance Matching)
#2773 is CIM (Complex Impedance Matching)(Australia and New Zealand only)
A minimum of one modem cable must be ordered for each #2772/#2773. All modem cables installed on a system must be the same feature number.
#1010 Modem Cable-Austria
#1011 Modem Cable-Belgium
#1012 Modem Cable-Africa
#1013 Modem Cable-Israel (Only available as REFURBISHED)
#1014 Modem Cable-Italy
#1015 Modem Cable-France
#1016 Modem Cable-Germany (Only available as REFURBISHED)
#1017 Modem Cable-UK
#1018 Modem Cable-Iceland/Sweden (Only available as REFURBISHED)
#1019 Modem Cable-Australia (For feature #2773 only)
#1020 Modem Cable-HK/NZ
#1021 Modem Cable-Fin/Nor
#1022 Modem Cable-Netherlands
#1023 Modem Cable-Swiss
#1024 Modem Cable-Denmark
#1025 Modem Cable-US/Cananda/Japan
This feature has country specific usage. #2772 will NOT ship with country specific telephone cables. PCI card slots required: One. OS/400 V5R1, or later, is required.
Supported on the following systems: 270, 520, 550, 570, 595, 800, 810, 820, 825, 830, 840, 870, 890, SB2, SB3