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Profound Logic - Genie Genie Features and Advantages Instant Modernization You can now go from starting your mo.. Product #: Profound Logic - Genie

Profound Logic - Genie

Model Number: Profound Logic - Genie

Genie Features and Advantages

Instant Modernization

You can now go from starting your modernization efforts to having a completely modernized system in less than a day. Genie can modernize all of your RPG, CL, Cobol, menu, or i5/OS system screens. All you need to do is install, choose or create a skin for your applications, and you are done. You will instantly be able to reap the benefits of modernization without investing a lot of time, effort, and money into the process.

Extensive Customization Abilities

Easily tailor your screens to your business needs. Quickly customize screens with graphs & charts, dynamic images, dropdowns, tabs, calendars, and much more. Use AJAX and SOA to add supplementary elements into your programs. You can even integrate individual screens, entire menus, or complete programs into an existing Web application.

Full Featured WYSIWYG Designer

The Genie Designer runs right in the browser and allows you to enhance your green-screens with Web functionality without any programming. Simply navigate to any screen and switch to Design Mode. You can then easily change fonts, colors, backgrounds, borders, and positioning using the designer's drag-and-drop and point-and-click features. Just as easily, you can add dropdowns, checkboxes, buttons, charts, calendars, links, images, and various other Web elements.

Zero Interactive

Genie instantly web-enables your applications and completely eliminates interactive CPW. This capability, known as the Genie Accelerator, makes modernization much more affordable. You no longer have to worry about upgrading your systems or buying a more powerful server to modernize. With Genie Accelerator, all your applications will run entirely in batch, eliminating the need for expensive 5250 OLTP and unlocking the full processing power of the system for 5250 applications.

100% Browser Based

Genie is 100% browser-based and produces standard HTML with no need for PC Clients, ActiveX Controls, or Applets. This makes it a very low maintenance product. Your end-users will never need to install any software. They will access Genie applications using a hyperlink to an Intranet, Extranet, or Internet site.

Open Solution

Do not get locked into one modernization approach. You want flexibility and the ability to change as you grow. Genie applications give you the ability to integrate with any other modernization approach, such as automated conversions and redevelopment. You will be able to create a modernized system that your company needs without being imprisoned by your solution.

Flexible Integration Capabilities

Genie has some unique features that allow you to integrate it with other applications. Using a simple scripting language, you can single-out specific green-screens and integrate them into other browser applications. Alternatively, Genie gives you the capability to embed other Web applications directly into your green-screen programs.

Free Charting Package

Included with Genie is our interactive iChart package. iChart offers more than 60 different chart types to visually enhance your applications. Pick from 2D or 3D Column Charts, Bar Charts, Line Charts, Area Charts, Pie Charts, Doughnut Charts, and more. Your chart data can come directly from a Genie screen or from any other source.

Totally Secure

Your modernization efforts with Genie will not jeopardize your system's security. You will be able to secure your applications with SSL and take advantage of all the security provided by the i5/OS. It is a completely native solution and does not require any extra servers. You will be able to securely deploy your applications to the Web. Unlike other solutions, Genie will never expose critical ports such as telnet.

Lightning Fast Performance

Using Genie for your modernization needs will ensure that you are getting the most from your system. It uses native technologies that can guarantee that your applications are running at the fastest speeds possible.

Genie Screenshots

hs.graphicsDir = '/images/highslide/'; hs.outlineType = 'rounded-white'; hs.showCredits = 0;
Green-Screen Customized with Pie Chart
Genie lets you add custom elements to your green-screen interfaces, like this Pie Chart
Skinned Sign-On
Sample Genie Skin for the System i Sign-On Screen
Genie's Install Process
You are provided with a simple step-by-step process to install Genie directly onto your iSeries
Genie Designer Working on the Sign-On Screen
With the Genie Designer you can then easily change colors, backgrounds, and positioning
Genie Designer Working on an Application
You can add dropdowns, checkboxes, buttons, calendars, and various other Web elements