#2759 HSL PORTS - 4 OPT/12 COPPE
(#2759 / #9759) HSL Ports - 4 Optical/12 Copper
(Only available as REFURBISHED as of January 1, 2004)
Used in the Model 840, #2759/#9759 have 12 copper and four optical HSL ports and a 540MHz oscillator. One optics cleaning kit (P/N 46G6844) and instruction sheet are included per order.
#2759 is an optional feature. #9759 is a base bus expansion card installed in the Model 840 system unit.
This feature supports clustering on two of eight available loops via HSL OptiConnect.
OS/400 V5R1 plus PTFs, or later, is required. For required PTF information, refer to Informational APAR II12949 at:
http://as400service.rochester.ibm.com/ supporthome.nsf/document/10000035
Supported on the following systems: 840