2720 PCI WAN/Twinaxial IOA
The 2720 PCI WAN/Twinaxial IOA is only available as REFURBISHED as of July 2, 2002. This combined twinaxial/communication adapter can be used in the #503X Migration Tower I. A cable with a 4-port expansion box comes with the adapter. Each port supports seven attached devices allowing the twinaxial controller to support 28 total active devices and 28 attached devices.
This combined twinaxial/communication adapter also supports a single communication line. #2720 supports a multiple protocol communications port based on which of the cables below are attached.
One of the following cables is required for communications support. None is required if this adapter is being used only for twinaxial support.
0353 V.35 20-Ft PCI Cable
0356 V.36 20-Ft PCI Cable
0359 X.21 20-Ft PCI Cable
PCI card slots required: One slow-speed slot. Maximum: One
Supported on the following systems: 150, 250, 600, 620, 720, 820, 830, S10, S20