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IBM AS400 iSeries iSeries IBM 9406, #2791 INTEGRATED XSERIES SERVER (#2791) PCI Integrated xSeries Server(Only available as REFURBISHED as of December 3, 2002) The new .. Product #: 2791-9406


Brand: IBM AS400 iSeries
Model Number: 2791-9406

(#2791) PCI Integrated xSeries Server

(Only available as REFURBISHED as of December 3, 2002)

The new Integrated xSeries Server for iSeries contains a 850MHz processor and four memory slots. Each main storage slot can contain one of the following features, providing a total main storage capacity from 128MB to 4096MB:

128MB Server Memory (#2795)

256MB Server Memory (#2796)

1GB Server Memory (#2797)

When the maximum memory is installed, only 3712MB will be addressable. At least one main storage card is required on initial orders. On model upgrades and MES orders, a #2791 may be ordered without a memory feature if a supported memory feature is already on the installed system.

The #2791 can support the following LAN IOAs in any combination. At least one LAN IOA is required. The features for the LAN IOAs are as follows:

#2743 PCI 1Gbps Ethernet IOA (Only available as REFURBISHED)

#2744 PCI 100/16/4Mbps Token-Ring IOA

#2760 PCI 1Gbps Ethernet UTP IOA (requires V5R1)(Only available as REFURBISHED)

#4838 PCI 100/10Mbps Ethernet IOA (Only available as REFURBISHED)

When a LAN IOA is used in conjunction with a #2791 --

If #2743 or #2760 is selected, then one #0225, 1Gbps Ethernet Specify, is required for each #2743 or #2760 selected

If #2744 is selected, then one #0223, 100Mbps Token-Ring Specify, is required for each #2744 selected

If #4838 is selected, then one #0224, 100/10Mbps Ethernet Specify, is required for each #4838 selected

Up to three IOA LAN features can be supported by the #2791, depending on the system unit/tower position into which the #2791 is placed. Native iSeries functions are NOT supported. The #2791 does NOT support external host LAN.

#2791 is supported in the system unit of Models 820, 830, and 840, in the #5074 PCI Expansion Tower, in the #5079 1.8M I/O Tower and in the #5075 PCI Expansion Tower when it is attached to the Model 820. The #2791 does not require a #2843 or #9943, but placement is limited to specific slots within the various system units and expansion towers.

The #2791 requires three PCI card slots on the system/expansion tower backplane; two slots are used by the #2791 and the third slot is reduced to a short card slot (used by the first LAN IOA card).


#2791 ships with a keyboard/mouse splitter cable. The #2791 supports only the Windows NT and Windows 2000 operating systems. The following apply:

#0325 (IPCS Extension Cable for NT) is required

A minimum of 128MB of server memory is required

#1700 (IPCS Keyboard/Mouse for NT) is default (in those countries offering it)

A display must be connected to the Integrated xSeries Server to support the Windows server

For supported keyboard/mouse and display types, see:

Features #2791 requires OS/400 V4R5 with cumulative (cum) PTF level C1005450, or later.

Supported on the following systems: 820, 825, 830, 840, 870, 890, SB2, SB3