#5105 Dual Line Cords - 5074 I/O Tower
(#5105) Dual Line Cord - I/O Tower
#5105 provides dual line cord capability for a #5074 PCI Expansion Tower, and for the top unit in a #8093 optional base tower. Two #14XX line cords are required for each #5074 tower with a #5105 when a #5105 is on an initial order for a #5074. When ordering a #5105 alone as an MES for a #5074, an additional #14XX line cord is required, for a total of two line cords on the #5074. A #5074 mounted in a #0551 rack is supported with this feature. If the #5074 has feature #5101 installed, the #5101 must be converted to a #5111.
Supported on the following systems: 520, 550, 570, 595, 810, 820, 825, 830, 840, 870, 890