3928-8202 - IBM Power7 E4B, Serial Port Null Modem Cable, 9-pin
IBM Power7 8202-E4B (#3928) - Serial Port Null Modem Cable, 9-pin to 9-pin, 10M
This 10 meter 9 pin to 9 pin Null Modem Serial cable allows two EIA-232 communications ports to exchange data with one another without going through a modem.
Attributes provided: 9 pin female connector at each end of the cable
Attributes required: none
For 8202-E4B: (#3928)
Minimum required: 0
Maximum allowed: 9999 (Initial order maximum: 250)
OS level required: None
Initial Order/MES/Both/Supported: Both
CSU: Yes
Return parts MES: No