2934-8202 - IBM Power7 E4B, 3M Asynchronous Terminal/Printer Cab
IBM Power7 8202-E4B (#2934) - 3M Asynchronous Terminal/Printer Cable EIA-232
The Asynchronous Printer/Terminal Cable is used for attaching printers, plotters, and terminals that support the EIA-232 standard to any asynchronous adapter. This cable is the equivalent of the combination of FC 2936 (modem cable) and FC 2937 (printer/terminal interposer) and replaces this method of printer/terminal attachment.
This cable is 3m (9.8 feet) long, uses DB25 connectors and is supported on all RS/6000 systems using any asynchronous ports.
Attributes provided: EIA232 device attachment capability
Attributes required: Any Asynchronous port
For 8202-E4B: (#2934)
Minimum required: 0
Maximum allowed: 9999 (Initial order maximum: 9999)
OS level required: None
Initial Order/MES/Both/Supported: Both
CSU: Yes
Return parts MES: No