2893-8204 - IBM i Model E8A PCIe 2-Line WAN w/Modem
IBM i Power 6, 8204 (#2893) PCIe 2-Line WAN w/Modem
The #2893 is a 2-line/port WAN w/modem PCIe adapter. This feature is the non-CIM (Complex Impedance Matching) version offered in all countries except Australia and New Zealand.
Port 0 is the modem port and supports V.92 56K Async PPP, V.92 data modem, V.44 data compression, V.34 FAX modem and FAX functions, such as ECM and 2D/1D conversion.
Port 0 does not provide Sync modem capabilities (SDLC and Sync PPP). Port 1 is the RVX port and supports multiple communications protocols, including synchronous operations.
Select one of the following cables to attach to port 0(modem port):
#1010 Modem Cable - Austria
#1011 Modem Cable - Belgium
#1012 Modem Cable - Africa
#1013 Modem Cable - Israel (supported only, not orderable)
#1014 Modem Cable - Italy
#1015 Modem Cable - France
#1016 Modem Cable - Germany
#1017 Modem Cable - UK
#1018 Modem Cable - Iceland/Sweden
#1020 Modem Cable - HK/NZ
#1021 Modem Cable - Fin/Nor
#1022 Modem Cable - Netherlands
#1023 Modem Cable - Swiss
#1024 Modem Cable - Denmark
#1025 Modem Cable - US/Canada
Select one of the following cables to attach to port 1(RVX port):
#0348 - V.24/EIA232 20-Ft PCI Cable
#0353 - V.35 20-Ft PCI Cable
#0359 - X.21 20-Ft PCI Cable
#0367 - Operations Console PCI Cable (ships with a 25 pin to 9 pin adapter)
Multiple #0367 cables can be ordered but only one per #2893) to serve as consoles for secondary partitions when Logical Partitioning is utilized. ECS is supported from both the modem port, and the RVX port.
The following cable is required to support ECS from the RVX port:
#0348 - V.24/EIA232 20-Ft PCI Cable
The #2893 does not support the remote ring indicate function.
Attributes provided: One PCIe slot
Attributes required: Modem
For 8204-E8A: IBM i Power 6, 8204 (#2893)
Minimum required: 0
Maximum allowed: 41 (Initial order maximum: 41)
OS level required:
AIX - not supported
IBM i 5.4 with 5.4.5 machine code or later li.SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 10 SP 1 for POWER Systems or later
Red Hat Enterprise Linux for POWER Version 5.2 or later
Initial Order/MES/Both/Supported: Both
CSU: Yes
Return parts MES: No
Note: CEC and system maximum of 3 under IBM i or Linux. Not supported under AIX.